The Stairs Marketing Package – Monthly

$9,500.00 / month

Pay annually and get two months free.

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The Stairs Marketing Package

Total cost: $114,000
Monthly cost: $9500
Pay annually, get two months free: $95,000
Average Salary of Marketing Professionals
  • Full website service
  • Website Search Engine Optimization
  • 12 months of digital advertising
  • Social Media execution
  • Full analytics service
  • Awareness Video Promotional Package
  • 5 in-studio videos per month
  • 12 blogs
  • 120 graphic design hours
Marketing Manager = $100,00 / yr
Website Developer = $88,000 / yr
Videographer = $72,000 / yr
Social Media Manager = $54,000 / yr
Graphic Designer = $53,000 / yr
Total: $367,000Using the Ground Floor Marketing Package for
your business gives you a full marketing
department for 31% of the cost.